Features and Pricing
Start with a free account and upgrade at any time!
Most features are completely free!
Free forever!
Get access to all features of the site including email alert notifications!
Create Account
- Monthly Alert Credits: 3
- Email Notifications
- Disney Dining Reservation Alerts
- Disneyland Park Reservation Alerts
- Build your own Disney Food Lists
- Disney Character Schedules
- Disney Dining Updates
- Disney Food Guides/Lists
- Disney Attraction Wait Times
- Disney Restaurant Waitlist Times
- Attraction & Dining Refurbishments
- Park Reservation Calendar
- Disneyland Daily Calendar
One-Time Alerts
No subscription necessary! Unlock text message alerts and higher priority alerting for dining and park reservations!
$5 / $9
Get started with 10 Alerts - $5
Get started with 20 Alerts - $9
Alert Credits: 10 or 20
(+3 Free Monthly)
- SMS Notifications
- Mobile Push Notifications New!
- Higher Priority Alerting
- Multiple Contacts per Alert
- All Free Features Included
Alert credits expire 6 months after purchase. Any alerts that have been created will not expire until their respective date.
Monthly Subscription
More credits, no advertisements, and SMS alerts for dining reservations and park reservations.
Get started
Alert Credits: 45
(+3 Free Monthly)
- SMS Notifications
- Mobile Push Notifications New!
- Higher Priority Alerting
- Multiple Contacts per Alert
- No advertisements
- All Free Features Included
Best value! Perfect for park goers who visit the parks often and want to get real-time SMS text messages when dining and park reservations are available!
Cancel at any time! All alerts created within the subscription period will be active until the respective reservation date.